Billy Moore

My interest in photography began 44 years ago as a means of interacting with the world around myself. Human perception is the basis of the spaces we inhabit shaping them as do the forces of time, geology, climate and the inevitability of change. The landscape has become symbolic of the attitudes and relationships that define us as individuals and society. Exploring these perceptions is central to determining our place in the world. I use the photographic medium because of its ability to visually represent these natural

I have pursued my photographic interests and projects working at the Center for Creative Photography in the University of Arizona, at Texas Memorial Museum in the University of Texas and through freelance photographic work with the Western Archaeological Research Library in Tucson and Winedale collections at the Center for American History at the University of Texas and for the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History. For 15 years the Lower Colorado River Authority Corporate Communications department employed me in the planning and creating of photographic images, projects and publications to communicate and educate the people of Texas on a host of issues. As an independently self-employed photographer, I use the photographic medium to enhance communication in business activities from representing properties for Realtors to sell, to producing images for magazine stories and other commercial assignments.

My personal work in photographing the landscape is represented in the permanent collections of the Center for Creative Photography, the Harry Ransom photography collections, and various collections at institutes throughout the southwest

Publications include: the Earl Morris Portfolio, Snell and Wilmer Collection of Arizona Photographers, and Born of the River.

Billy Moore’s Website